Supporting our community

Giving back to the community where we work and live

We're proudly committed to supporting locals and making a positive difference in our community. We are always looking for new ways to create positive outcomes for Territory community.

 Major and Minor sponsorships were open from 16 November 2023 and closed on 20 December 2023. Further rounds will be announced at a later date. 


Apply for our Sponsorship Program
Download our sponsorship guidelines and eligibility criteria, then fill-out our online form. All of the information you need can be found on our application page.

Learn more about our previous minor partners
We have sponsored a number of organisations and initiatives in the past. Learn more about our minor sponsorship partners and their initiatives.

Learn more about our previous Major partners
Our major sponsorship program has partnered with some incredible Territory organisations. You can learn more about our previous major partnerships below.
Energy Customer and Community Forum
We're creating the Energy Customer and Community Forum to gain feedback from our customers and improve customer experience.
Team Connect
We understand not everyone has easy access to a computer, phone or the internet. That's why we’re creating Team Connect – a dedicated service to work with customers and local support agencies. The team will provide in-person support and helpful resources to those who face obstacles when accessing our services online or over the phone. It's a new service that will be here very soon. If you would like to find out more send us an email to

Alice Springs Virtual Power Plant trial 


Jacana Energy is part of a Virtual Power Plant trial project called Solar Connect. We're working in partnership with The Intyal­heme Cen­tre for Future Ener­gy, Desert Knowl­edge Aus­tralia (DKA), Power and Water and The Arid Lands Envi­ron­ment Cen­tre (ALEC). 

The Alice Springs Virtual Power Plant Trial
We're a a partner in Solar Connect, the Territory’s first Virtual power Plant (VPP).