Business energy saving tips


We’re here to help make energy efficiency part of your business plan

Living in the Territory means learning a few things about energy consumption. The heat makes everything from the staffroom fridge to the office aircon work harder. These items simply need to use more energy to keep things cool.

The less you spend on energy, the better your bottom line. So we've created some simple resources to help you navigate your way to a lower energy bill. 

Energy Efficiency Guide
Full of helpful tips that are easy to implement around your business (and home).

Save with the sun
This is the most effective long-term saving tactic. We are lucky enough to have long sunny days in the Territory, making solar a great way to generate energy and save.

Things you can do today

Making use of natural lighting can have a positive impact on workplace productivity and employee well-being.

  • Replace old globes with LED lights. They use around 80% less energy and last longer.
  • Make sure spaces are only lit when they’re in use by setting timers or sensors. If that’s not an option, put up signs asking people to turn off the lights when they leave a room.
  • Ensure your workplace is set up in a way that makes the most of natural light. If you have lots of windows try to arrange the office in a way that maximises daylight .
  • De-lamping involves removing lamps from fittings where the light output exceeds what is needed. Inefficient light fittings can be improved with a reflector.

Keeping your staff cool, comfortable and productive doesn’t have to cost the earth.

  • Set the aircon timers in meeting rooms or add signage to encourage people to turn off the aircon when not in use.
  • Keep your fans dust free it stops the motor from heating up and using more power.
  • Clean your aircon filters regularly. A clogged up filter can increase your unit’s running costs by 5-10%.
  • Set aircons around 24-27ºC

You’d be surprised how much this part of the office adds to your electricity bill.

  • Schedule a weekly fridge clean out. A fridge that is stocked to the brim will use more power. By leaving a little room in the back, air will circulate more efficiently.
  • Set all fridge temperatures between 3°C and 5°C, and freezers between -15°C and -18°C.
  • Check the fridge and freezer door seals are in good condition. To test them, use a sheet of paper. If it doesn’t stay in place when the door is shut, it’s time to replace the seals.
  • Wait until the dishwasher is full before running it and always use the economy cycle.

Do you work in a classroom?

Electricity activity booklet
Teach kids how using less electricity makes for a happier planet.
Energy efficiency checklist
Get the kids to tick off all 8 boxes with this fun challenge.
Territory tailored advice
We made a video about energy savings in school.


Are you a not-for-profit?

We can help you save on electricity. 

Public Benevolent Institution tariff
PBI registered charities get a lower electricity rate than the standard commercial one. It’s money you can reinvest in those Territorians who need it most.